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Authoring Mode: Select Tiles and Tools

In Authoring mode, checkboxes appear above each tool on the bottom and next to each category of tiles in the sidebar. Use these checkboxes to turn off tools and/or tile categories. Anything unchecked will still be available inside of authoring mode. Exit authoring mode to see these changes applied. For the tile sidebar, uncheck an entire category to deselect the entire category.

Use the Show tiles sidebar toggle to turn off the tile sidebar completely.

Other Authoring Tutorial Pages

Edit advanced properties for tiles

Set global settings for the entire Polypad

Select which tiles appear in the sidebar and what tools appear in the bottom toolbar

Turn on and off options in the action bar of tiles

Add custom buttons to the canvas to control tile actions

Using the input field and drop zone tile

Using drag-and-drop and click-to-place to send tiles to drop zones

Polypad and computation layer

Using the reset button in activity builder

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