
Line drawing Algorithm


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Drawing Lines with Pixels by
How does a computer know which pixels to darken to make a line?
Computers draw images using pixels. Pixels are the tiny squares that make up the image you see on computer monitors. To draw a line, a computer must work out which pixels need to be filled so that the line looks straight. We can try this by coloring in squares on a grid.
PART A: Can you draw a straight line from A(3, 4) to B(16,9) by coloring the pixels?
A = 2× change in Y value B = A − 2× change in X value P = A− change in X value Fill the starting pixel. Then for every position along the X axis: • if P is less than 0, draw the new pixel on the same line as the last pixel, and add A to P. • if P was 0 or greater, draw the new pixel one line higher than the last pixel, and add B to P. • continue this process until we reach the end of the line
PART B: Brensenham’s Line Algorithm.
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