Unleash your creativity with the world’s best virtual manipulatives! Our mathematical playground is filled with unique tools that allow students to play and explore.
Polygons and Shapes
Aperiodic Tiles
The first aperiodic monotile.
Learn more…
The white circle arcs have to line up when connecting adjacent tiles.
Designed by Robert Fathauer
Pentagon Tilings
3D Solids
Patterns and Art
Number Tiles and Cubes
Number Bars
Number Frames
Number Cards
Number Line
Prime Factor Circles
From the game Prime Climb by Math for Love
Dot Arrangements
Number Grids
Additional Tools
Fraction Bars
Fraction Circles
Algebra Tiles
Balance Scale
Function Machines
Coordinate Axes and Tables
Variable Sliders
Probability and Data
Coins, Dice and Spinners
Charts and Statistics
Playing Cards
Polyhedral Dice
Non-transitive Dice
Games and Applications
Logic and Computing
Authoring Tools
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